Transitioning Winter To Spring Skincare Routine

Changing from winter to spring makes our skin exposed to less cold, dry air, higher moisture levels in the air, warmer temperature and Mr. Sun is out saying "hi!". Your skin is not changing through the seasons but the seasons affect your skin to change. To put it simply, your skin type does not change if the seasons change. However, we need to adjust our skincare since skincare products may not be ideal for that specific season.
How Does Springtime Weather Change Skin?
It's simple, more time outdoors! Time spent outdoors means more sun exposure. That's the big reason to wear your SPF as a daily routine. This weather makes you active, and I know you'll be increasing your workouts! But always be mindful about sweat — so, don't forget to wash your face. Okay?
We don't want breakouts but this season could be allergic to some since sweat comes a long way. Though it might be sweat (since it may not be a concern to some), touching your face as you wipe your eyes and nose leads to breakouts leading to more bacteria on your face.
What Should I Do During Springtime Weather Change?
You just need to tweak your routine a little bit!
Clean your shelves
When was the last time you cleaned your skincare shelf? or maybe you just put your skincare products in your mirror table — my question is, when was the last time you wiped it? You need to wipe it as your skincare products might be collecting dust. Your skincare products might also be out of date if you don't check them regularly. Expired skincare products can cause skin irritation. Get back to basics: cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.
Exfoliate, even after winter
As the temperature and humidity increased, most people wanted to start exfoliating this season. The skin can tolerate acids and stronger formulations of active ingredients without further drying our skin.
Switch to a lighter moisturizer
Spring season generally means lighter makeup, well, for those who wear them. Many of us wear lighter lipstick shades, with this, we also need to switch to lighter cleansers so pores will not be clogged or leave residues we don't like. Unwanted breakouts? no, thank you.
Saying goodbye to the winter season means hello to a sticky and sweaty face. If we are using heavy creams, that would be different. While the winter season needs these types of creams to prevent dryness, in the spring season we need non-greasy and non-sticky products.
When it is winter, we look for good emollients and occlusives to reduce transepidermal water loss. When the temperatures and humidity increase, we may not need such heavy occlusives to keep our skin moisturized. Heavy products can feel greasy and sticky.
We also need to know that the winter season made our necks and ears snuggled under scarves and hats. Don't you forget these spots! They might get irritated, dehydrated, and dry. A lighter option will help to keep pores clear to avoid overloading spring skin with excess oil as the weather warms up.
Improve your SPF
Mr. Sun says hi this season! It's time for you to top up your SPF game. Winter has snow to reflect its rays, now we have glass and clouds! I am not an advocate of skipping sunscreen, so this time, when the weather is getting warmer, you need to start wearing SPF religiously as I know some of you don't wear it during winter.
If you are wearing SPF of at least 30+, you might need to increase your dosage since the earth is physically closer to the sun during warmer months. The sunshine brighter, means UV rays are stronger. Increase it by at least SPF50+, while of course, checking if it is broad-spectrum. I recommend iS Clinical's Eclipse SPF 50+, an upgrade for the 30+.
Don't forget hydrating yourself also
Skin gets extremely vulnerable during seasons change. 7 to 8 glasses or 2 liters of water every day is a must to hydrate yourself and your skin. Carry a bottle of water wherever you go.
Other natural foods that you can apply to hydrate your skin are milk, honey, and curd.
I gave tips above which should be incorporated as a whole in your skincare routines. Now, here are some tips for your specific skin type:
- transition to a lighter moisturizer
- lighter facial cleanser
- recommit to your exfoliating routine — normal skin types should exfoliate two to three times a week, depending on what exfoliating product you use
- ultra-light moisturizer
- consider a toner
- keeping your skin clean
- tossing any expired products that could trigger acne
- switch moisturizers for something lighter — listen to your skin since the combination can struggle with balance, you might be able to use 2 types of moisturizers
- consider adding a toner to your routine
- cleansers that are gentle yet effective
Spring skincare switch-up is easier than it seems. You just need to tweak your routine to lighter creams. Make your skin ready for the sunny season. You can also add something new to your routine, sheet masks or face masks could be one!